Shoreline Foodbank fruit campaign begins
Shoreline Foodbank, located at Shoreline Church in Southport has this week commenced with a campaign to ask local people to donate fruit to the Foodbank from their gardens.
Pastor Peter Cunningham had the idea after realising that at this time of year many gardens have apple trees or other fruit trees with fruit that is going unused and unpicked. And the Foodbank has a growing need for food to give out on a daily basis to those in need.
The campaign was launched in Tuesday’s Southport Visiter and already the church has received donations of fruit from members of the community willing to help those who attend the Foodbank. Over 350 a week regularly attend the Foodbank in Southport, with over 800 people on it’s database.
Pastor Pete said to the Visiter, “The request for the fruit off the many trees in people’s gardens in Southport is about utilising waste. A lot of the time the fruit just does not get used. We do get given some fruits like apples but this is what we need help with – plums, pears anything people do not use off their trees we will take. When it comes to soups and tins and small commodities like that, this is what we are also short of, especially as we are coming into winter months too. These things are so useful and we are in short supply of them.”
You can read the full article at the Southport Visiter website by clicking here.
If you have fruit or other food items that you would like to donate, please drop off at the church between 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday.