The Alpha course is designed primarily for people who aren’t regular churchgoers. Each course is open to everyone who would like to attend.
Why Attend the Alpha Course?
Guests do Alpha for a wide variety of reasons – some want to investigate whether God exists, and talk about this with others; others are concerned about what happens after death.
Some people have particular questions that they would like to discuss; others want to understand other peoples’ beliefs or would like to explore what the purpose of life is. Many guests have never been to church, others may have attended church occasionally but feel they have never really understood the basics of the Christian faith.
To find out more please contact the Church Office on 01704 535989 or email
It started back in July 2011 when a local Southport bakery allowed volunteers to collect produce that was unsold everyday, which the church then parceled up and gave out to those in need. Today those in need can pick up many more items including bread, pies, crisps, sandwiches, vegetables, tinned foods, nappies, and toiletries – supplied by a mixture of local businesses and national companies/charities.
This ministry continues to meet people at their point of need. We continue to develop our food programme to be as effective and help those in need in the most efficient way possible.
The food bank is open at 5pm – 6pm Mon through Fri. (time and days subject to change). Sign-ups are available every day during FoodBank hours. It would be helpful if you can bring a bag to collect your items.
If you wish to sign up to the food bank please bring identification, which is a form of i.d with your name and address on it, and if claiming food for children please bring a child benefit letter in the name of the child and identification for the child.
There are now over 150 teams around the United Kingdom, and over 7000 Street Pastors. In Southport there are four teams who take turns to patrol the town centre on a Saturday night between 11pm and 3am.
We are always recruiting for new Street Pastors in Southport. If you are a committed Christian, have attended Shoreline for at least 9 months and are over the age of 18 you may apply.
To find out more please contact the Church Office on 01704 535989 or email