CAP Money Course in Southport
Do you struggle with managing your money? Are you constantly going into overdraft? Do you have difficulty paying your bills? Never have any savings? If the answer is yes to any of the above questions then maybe the CAP Money Course is for you!
Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a national debt counselling charity with a network of 160 centres based in local churches. CAP offers hope and a solution to anyone in debt through its unique, in-depth service.
The CAP Money Course is devised by the award winning debt counselling charity, Christians Against Poverty. This newly designed course has been put together to help individuals with financial needs in Southport.
This money management course in Southport will:
- Help individuals to be in control of their finances
- Help them to save and give
- Help to prevent debt from occurring
- Provide simple budgeting skills that really work
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Courses start on Tuesday 10th September for three weeks at 19:30pm. Please ring Gary on 07540777188 or email to book yourself a place on the course.